Annual Meeting

87th Annual Meeting of the Members

Friday, March 14, 2025
Registration 9:30 AM · Meeting 10:30 AM
University of Montana – Western
Beier Auditorium
710 S. Atlantic Street, Dillon, Montana

As a member of Vigilante Electric Cooperative, you are invited to our 87th Annual Meeting of the Members on Friday, March 14, 2025. The meeting will be held at the Beier Auditorium on the campus of the University of Montana – Western in Dillon, MT. The annual meeting will begin at 10:30 am, with registration starting at 9:30 am in the lobby of the Beier Auditorium. Lunch will be served to registered members and their guests in the Lewis & Clark Room and campus cafeteria located in Mathews Hall immediately following the annual meeting. Please refer to the map at the bottom of this page for directions.

Attending members will hear our leadership discuss cooperative issues, recap events of the previous year, receive information regarding our financial status, and participate in trustee elections.

The trustee districts up for election are:

District #1: Whitehall, Cardwell, Three Forks
District #2: Silver Star & Waterloo
District #6: Dillon North

 While candidates have been nominated at the district meetings for these districts, additional nominations can be made from the floor. Please note that each membership, whether a single membership, joint membership, or corporate entity, is entitled to one vote.

The meeting will conclude with door prizes being drawn, which include ten $100 electric bill certificates.

We hope you can attend this important meeting of your electric cooperative.