Are you considering wind or solar for a net-metered system? Vigilante Electric Cooperative (VEC) supports integrating these types of facilities, and we want to help you make an informed decision about a renewable installation.
Net metering is defined as the interconnection of member-owned generation from a renewable source – such as wind or solar – to the cooperative’s facilities. The generation output of energy not used at the service is netted against the energy delivered by the cooperative.
- It’s important to meet the requirements of the state of Montana and VEC’s contractual obligations.
- VEC’s interconnection agreement details the legal and engineering aspects of these requirements.
Inteconnection Agreement (PDF)
- To ensure a smooth process, we require that project specifications be submitted to us for approval before installation.
- A qualified installer can assist you with this process.
- Our net metering contract provides a comprehensive overview of the process and explains the financial aspects of a qualifying installation. When considering this type of investment, it’s essential to fully comprehend the elements of this document before committing.
- Charges for energy delivered by VEC in excess of the energy returned to our system will be billed monthly at a retail rate determined by the rate class the service is in at the time of the interconnection.
- The service is subject to the same patronage requirements.
As you educate yourself on this kind of investment, potential installers should be asked several questions:
- What is the system’s life expectancy?
- Does the output degrade over time?
- Based on our requirements, what is the basic payback period? (This is the period needed to cover the cost of the system from the energy savings from the generation.)
As you consider net metering, please also remember that VEC has 1 of the lowest residential energy rates in the state, as well as 1 of the lowest in the country.