Rates & Fees


(approved by Board of Trustees, effective January 1, 2025)

Rate Schedule A-Single Phase

Service Type: Residential, Seasonal, Small Commercial, Stock Wells
Base Charge: $30 per month
Energy Charge: $0.0675 per kWh
Demand (Peak) Charge: $1.15 per KW
Minimum Charge: $45

**EV charging stations shall pay an additional $0.04 per kWh to cover additional cost

Rate Schedule C-General Service-3 PH

Service Type: Three-Phase Commercial <500aKW
Base Charge: $28 per month
Energy Charge: $0.06081 per kWh
Demand (Peak) Charge: $3.25 per KW
Minimum Charge: $45

**EV charging stations shall pay an additional $0.04 per kWh to cover additional cost

Rate Schedule IRR-Irrigation Service

Service Type: Three-phase or single-phase at available secondary voltages

A. 240V or 480V, Single phase up to 25HP
B. 240V or 480V, Three Phase up to 500 HP

Annual Base Charge: $15 per HP, but not less than $375 per year
Energy Charge: $0.06 per kWh
Demand (Peak) Charge: $3.85 per KW

Rate Schedule YL-Yard Light

175 W. MV $9.84 per month each
400 W. MV $15.25 per month each
100 W. HPS $9.88 per month each
200 W. HPS $10.01 per month each
400 W. HPS $16.23 per month each
40 W. LED Evluma $8.68 per month each
43 to 50 W LED $8.68 per month each
70 W LED $9.32 per month each

**All new installations and most repairs will require an LED fixture installation.

Other Information

  • Security Deposit: The security deposit will be equal to 2 times the average of the previous 12 months usage, with a minimum of $150. Past credit history may be used in the security deposit calculation.
  • Penalty Charges: The cooperative will charge a minimum penalty of $5 on past due balances
    or interest as follows:

    • Past due balances of $5 to $1,000 (1.5% interest)
    • Past due balances of $1,001 to $5,000 (2% interest)
    • Past due balances greater than $5,000 (2.5% interest)
  • Disconnect Fee: $100
  • Reconnect Fee: $100
  • After Hours Charge (hours outside of 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday): $150
  • Return Check Charge: $20

Rate Definitions

Base Charges: This charge is based on each member’s share of the fixed cost to run the utility. This cost will vary from one rate category to another as they are based on how many poles, wires, meters, and other equipment that is necessary to serve a given category of a load.

Energy Charges: All energy usage is metered in kilowatt-hours (kWh). It represents the total amount of power used over the month.

Demand (Peak) Charges: The highest (peak) demand over a 30-minute interval measured in kilowatts (KW).