Vegetation Management


This policy is to establish vegetation management guidelines in a manner that provides safe and reliable service to the membership of Vigilante Electric Co-op, Inc. (Vigilante Electric). This helps Vigilante Electrics mission to provide safe, reliable power.


These vegetation management procedures are designed to be sensitive to Vigilante Electric cost, while considering the interest of the property owner; and to effectively manage vegetation regarding public and private right-of-way maintenance for safe and reliable electric service to Vigilante Electric’s members.

A. Right-of-Way Maintenance

Clearing of right-of-way zones for the purposes of this policy shall be defined as the areas adjacent to Vigilante Electric established powerlines.

The necessary clearance of supply lines from trees is determined by:

  1. Voltage, location, and type of line
  2. The height of the poles and use
  3. The growth habit and final appearance of the trees
  4. Movement of trees and conductors under adverse weather conditions
  5. Sag of conductors at elevated temperatures
  6. Risk to Vigilante Electric’s lines and facilities (Danger Trees)

Vigilante Electric tree trimmers will maintain proper clearance in accordance with good clearing practices to meet established industry standards at no cost to the landowner. If the landowner requests other practices or prevents clearance it will be at the landowner’s continued cost. Any line conversions or relocations will be at the requested member’s cost. These practices will be performed in accordance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Rural Utilities Service (RUS), National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), and other applicable regulations, standards, and laws. All third-party trimmers shall be required to execute a contract approved by the General Manager, provide their own equipment, and a certificate of liability insurance. Any variance from clearance standards by third-party trimmers shall require a signed variance.

B. Transmission & Distribution Lines

There shall be a minimum 10-foot clearance between an energized high voltage distribution conductor and any part of a tree. Fast growth tree species will require a minimum of 15-foot clearance. Only OSHA 269-qualified employees may clear lines or trim trees within the minimum approach distance of 10 feet of energized lines. Trees should be trimmed to the extent that the designated minimum clearance area will be kept free of new tree growth until the next scheduled trimming cycle. If advanced trimming cycles are needed for fast-growing tree species or where limited trimming is permitted by the tree owner, appropriate cost and records will be maintained by Vigilante Electric.

C. Secondary &/or Service Conductors

Vigilante Electric recommends a minimum 3-foot clearance. The cost of line clearance for service conductors is the responsibility of the property owner. Damage repair to these services caused by trees is at the cost of the landowner or adjacent landowner. Service outages caused by trees will require appropriate measures taken to restore the system.

D. Climbing Space

There shall be a clear minimum of 3 feet unobstructed climbing space around all poles and structures as needed. There shall be no attachments allowed to any poles or structures without prior approval of the Cooperative.

E. Tree Removal

Tree removal is highly effective and should be encouraged where they may be in current or future conflict with Vigilante Electric’s facilities and power lines. Trees should be removed and remedied if necessary in certain situations by Vigilante Electric under the following conditions:

  1. Trees located in schoolyards, playgrounds, parks, back lot construction areas, or other areas in which children may easily climb and contact overhead conductors.
  2. Trees under lines with no chance for reasonable, natural development.
  3. Trees that are unsightly because of excessive trimming and cannot be economically re-trimmed.
  4. Trees in rural areas along county roads and state highways, which would eventually reach a primary line.
  5. Fast-growing tree species that will eventually grow into transmission or distribution lines.
  6. Trees both alive and dead, that are leaning toward the line and would strike the line when falling.
  7. Trees outside of the right-of-way that may be hazardous to Vigilante Electric’s facilities. Removal debris and stump removal is the responsibility of the member unless otherwise agreed upon.

Vigilante Electric Encourages members to report potentially hazardous trees and conditions outside of the right-of-way that threaten public safety and system reliability.

F. Access

Vigilante Electric shall retain the right of access to all right-of-way and easements pertaining to maintenance and the cutting or pruning of vegetation that endanger the public or interfere with the operation and maintenance of its power lines or facilities.

G. Notification

Vigilante Electric’s employees or agents acting on its behalf will make our best effort to personally contact or meet directly with members to notify them of any vegetation work on their property outside of the public right-of-way. Otherwise, our staff will contact you 24 hours in advance with phone calls, SMS text message, or email.

Vegetation management infographic, showing tree heights and clearance required. Zone 1 (within 10 feet of pole), grasses, annuals, and non-woody perennials are recommended. Zone 2 (10 to 20 feet from pole), plant shrubs such as Juniper, Red Twig, Dogwood, Lilacs, Spirea, and Nanking Cherry. Zone 3 (20 feet or more from pole), plant trees such as Colorado Blue Spruce, Norway Maple, Birch, Scots Pine.